Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre

The Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine will be called to Order at 5:00 p.m. on November 22, 2023, in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre.

Councillor Cavanagh will open the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement.

  • Motion #

    That the minutes of the Council meetings held on November 8, 2023 be adopted as printed.

Sharon Woods, Chair will be presenting the Accessibility Advisory Committee's priorities for the upcoming 2024 Municipal Budget.

Dave Lafortune and Brad Kirkconnell will be presenting on the hazard and danger tree assessment.

Chandra Shekhar Pripath and Priya Pandya will be making a delegation on Hindu Heritage Month.

James McTeer will be providing an update on the fundraising of the Tiverton Splash Pad Project.

In order to identify and make recommendations regarding the process to develop a strategic plan for 2025, a Strategic Planning Ad-Hoc Committee is being proposed to provide direction on the overall framework to plan and implement a strategic planning process (see attached Terms of Reference). This Ad-Hoc Committee would work with staff to provide advice and recommendations on the process to develop a Strategic Plan including:

- Timelines of the new strategic plan;
- The environmental scan needed to set the context for the planning process;
- The public engagement process including the identification of sectors and participants to be invited to be informed, involved and//or engaged in the process;
- When and if consultants are needed throughout the process; and
- Identify a future measurement and monitoring process for the Strategic Plan.

Should Council approve this Ad Hoc Committee’s Terms of Reference, staff are requesting that Council appoint 3 members of Council to participate in this group.

  • Motion #

    That Council pass a By-law to approve the Terms of Reference for the Strategic Plan Ad-Hoc Committee, as presented; and

    Further, that Council appoint the following Council members to the Ad-Hoc Committee ___________, __________, and __________.

Municipal Staff receive requests from developers to provide incentives to develop or redevelop land in the Municipality of Kincardine. Without a Community Improvement Plan (CIP), the provision of incentives or waiving of fees/charges for businesses, developers and landowners is considered ‘bonusing’ and is not permitted under section 106 of the Municipal Act. A CIP is a tool that allows a municipality to direct funds and implement policy initiatives and programs to enhance development and redevelopment in a community.

Section 28 of the Planning Act gives municipalities that have enabling policies in their
Official Plans, the ability to prepare a Community Improvement Plan. Over the past year, municipal and County staff have been working together to develop a new Community Improvement Plan (CIP). The Municipality currently has a CIP that was adopted in 2008 to support the implementation of the County’s Spruce the Bruce Program in downtown Kincardine.

This CIP builds on collaboration between the Municipality and the County, providing a broader range of incentives that could support more priority areas including downtown improvements, affordable/attainable housing, industrial, highway commercial and business park development, and the agricultural sector.

  • Motion #

    That Council direct staff to submit the draft Municipality of Kincardine Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) for review; and

    Further that a Public Meeting be held in early 2024 prior to the Community Improvement Plan coming forward to Council for adoption.

As a Condition of Provisional Approval (Consent) under Section 53(12) of the Planning Act, it is required that a Deeming Bylaw be passed in order deem PLAN 94 LOT 13 KING E/S; PLAN 94 LOT 12 KING; PLAN 94 LOT 11 KING E/S; and PLAN 94 LOT 10 PT LOT 9 KING (Village of Tiverton) not to be lots in a registered plan of subdivision. The removal of the lots from the plan of subdivision allows the lots to be reconfigured and a new reference plan will be registered on title. The existing lot configuration consists of three (3) lots currently fronting onto King St. known as 68, 70, and 72 King St. The passing of a deeming by-law will permit the establishment of three (3) new Residential (R1) lots fronting onto Ross St. and a portion of 72 King St. being severed and merged with 74 King St. to the south. The remainder of 72 King St will be merged to the rear of the new lots that will front onto Ross St.

  • Motion #

    That Council pass a Deeming bylaw to deem PLAN 94 LOT 13 KING E/S; PLAN 94 LOT 12 KING; PLAN 94 LOT 11 KING E/S; and PLAN 94 LOT 10 PT LOT 9 KING (Village of Tiverton) not to be lots in a registered plan of subdivision.

A request for removal of a Holding “H” provision from the listed BEC lands has been received. The subject properties in the recommendation are currently zoned to ECI2-a-h (Energy Centre Industrial Heavy Holding Special) which is subject to a Holding “H” provision. Under By-law 2022-164, conditions were attached through the re-zoning process which required the subject lands to obtain an Archaeological Assessment for development on lands that exhibit high archaeological potential, as well as a Justification Report that demonstrates compatibility with existing uses, and in accordance with the Official Plan to the satisfaction of the Municipality. An Archaeological Assessment and Planning Justification report has been received for the designated lands, satisfying the provisional holding conditions.

  • Motion #

    That the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine pass a by-law for the removal of the Holding “H” provision from the following BEC lands:

    22 Farrell Drive - PLAN 3M-113 LOT 12 3R-3861;PART 10, Kincardine

    50 Farrell Drive - PLAN 3M-113 LOT 13 3R-3861;PART 9, Kincardine

    64 Farrell Drive - PLAN 3M-113 LOT 14 3R-3861;PART 7, Kincardine

    131 Farrell Drive - PLAN 3M-113 LOT 2, Kincardine


  • Motion #

    That Chief Administrative Officer Jillene Bellchamber-Glazier be appointed Acting Clerk, when it is necessary for the Clerk to leave the meeting, for the purpose of taking minutes for the November 22, 2023 closed and open meetings.

  • Motion #

    That the “Integrity Commissioner Appointment (Principals Integrity) By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2023 - 

  • Motion #

    That the following By-laws are hereby read a first, second and third time, and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 2023:

    1.  Strategic Plan Ad-Hoc Committee Terms of Reference By-law 2023 - 

    2.  Council Committee Appointment (2023) Amendment (2) By-law 2023 - 

    3.  Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 Plan 94 Deeming By-law 2023 - ; and

    4.  Amendment to Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, Holding Removal (Business and Innovation Centre Inc.) By-law 2023 - 

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are enacted in one motion as a Matter Arising. The exception to this rule is that a Council member or the Chief Administrative Officer may request one or more items to be removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.

Recommendation: Receive and file minutes.

Recommendation: Receive and file all communications.

  • Motion #

    That Council approve the recommendations contained in the consent agenda dated November 22, 2023 and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.

  • Motion #

    That Council move into closed session pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the purpose of considering:

    1) The minutes dated November 8, 2023;

    2) A proposed or pending acquisition of land by the Municipality or Local Board (acquisition of land in Tiverton);

    3) Labour relations and employee negotiations (Organizational Review);

    4) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or Local Board employees, or potential appointees to a Local Board, Ad-Hoc Committee, or other municipally controlled organization (Human Resources Matter); and

    Further, that Council return to Regular open meeting upon completion.

Matters Arising from Closed Session

  • Motion #

    That the By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine of November 22, 2023 be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2023 - 

  • Motion #

    That this Council Meeting adjourn at ______ p.m.

No Item Selected