Whereas rising cost of living and rapid inflation is putting significant financial pressure on individuals and families, especially those living in poverty; and
Whereas Ontario Works rates have been frozen since 2018 at $733 per month; and
Whereas Ontario Disability Support Program rates were increased by 6.5% in July 2023 to $1308 but remains below the 2018 value of $1376 when adjusted for inflation; and
Whereas individuals and families relying on OW and ODSP are legislated into poverty, living 40 to 60 percent under the official poverty line and below the deep poverty line; and
Whereas decreasing poverty levels benefits individuals and their communities by reducing reliance on food banks, social services, health care, emergency services and other supports as well as improving quality of life and creating positive local economic impacts; and
Whereas in 2021, Statistics Canada reported that 10.7% of residents and 12.4% of children in Bruce County were living in low-income households; and
Whereas the County of Bruce, as a designated Service Manager, does not have the resources, capacity, or funding to provide the necessary income, housing, or health-related supports required to lift a growing percentage of resident out of chronic poverty; and
Whereas leadership and urgent action is needed from the Provincial Government to immediately address the rising levels of poverty in Ontario with a particular focus on those receiving Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Programs;
Now Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine calls on the Provincial Government to:
a. Double the Ontario Workers and Ontario Disability Support Program rates;
b. Index Ontario Works rates, in addition to the ODSP rates, annually to inflation;
c. Increase the earning exemption for Ontario Works recipients;
d. End clawbacks on current federal income supports and any future federal income supports including the announced Canada Disability Benefit; and further
That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Minister of Children, Community, and Social Services, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, MPP Lisa Thompson, the Grey Bruce Board of Health, the Community Safety and Wellbeing Committee of Bruce & Grey, Bruce County Municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.