Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre

The Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine will be called to Order at 5:00 p.m. on March 27, 2024, in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre.

Mayor Craig will open the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement.

  • Motion #

    That the minutes of the Council meeting held on March 13, 2024 be adopted as printed.

On January 24, 2024, Council approved the resources needed to engage the community in meaningful conversations and learning, about equity, diversity and inclusion which will assist Council in its decision-making regarding the Secord Monument.

This report provides an update on the engagement process as well as the opportunity to meet with the facilitator, Dr. Laura Mae Lindo, that was chosen for the engagement process. It is important to note that the facilitator, will not making a recommendation to Council on the future of the monument. The facilitator’s role is to collect and present information gathered from the community to assist Council in its decision making.  

This is the first report in a series of updates to Council on the progress and information gathered from the engagement process. 

Through community engagement along with interviews with staff and Council, McQueen Galloway Associates (MGA) have completed a draft Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan for the purposes of providing direction for the future of parks, facilities, and programs in Kincardine.

  • Motion #

    That Council receive the 2024 Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan.

In 2019, Council approved the Recreation and Leisure Financial Assistance Program Policy (PR.2.1) which had an annual operating budget of $5,000. This policy provides Municipality of Kincardine families in economic need assistance for children and youth to participate in recreation programs offered within the Municipality of Kincardine.

Staff are recommending that Council repeal the current Recreation and Leisure Financial Assistance Program Policy (PR.2.1) and enter into a Program Partnership Agreement with the County of Bruce who offer a Child Activity Assistance Program (CAAP) which will still permit Municipality of Kincardine residents to benefit from this $5,000 annual program.

  • Motion #

    That Council repeal Policy PR.2.1 Recreation and Leisure Financial Assistance Program and enter into a Program Partnership Agreement with the County of Bruce which will allow Municipality of Kincardine residents to access the County of Bruce Child Activity Assistance Program in Q2 2024.

The 2024 capital budget allocates funds for the replacement of the current propane Ice Resurfacer at the Davidson Centre. The current propane Olympia Ice Resurfacer at the Davidson Centre will be cycled to the Tiverton Arena, and Tiverton’s Olympia Ice Resurfacer will be surplus as it is at end of life.

The new Zamboni Ice Resurfacer will be procured through the LAS Canoe group buying contract and is expected for delivery 340 days from order.

  • Motion #

    That Council award the Davidson Centre Ice Resurfacer to the Zamboni Company for the bid price of $161,763.45 (inclusive of non-recoverable HST); and

    Further that the cost overage of $11,763.45 be funded, in part, from the sale of the surplus Olympia Ice Resurfacer at the Tiverton Arena with the remainder being funded from the Lifecycle Reserve Fund.

The Municipality received four tenders for fuel tank removal and replacement at the Kincardine Marina. Staff are seeking approval for the lowest bidder from Claybar Contracting Inc. Council approved $328,000 for the purposes of engineering, removal of fuel tank and installation of two above fuel tanks. Total cost is $497,411 inclusive of non-recoverable HST.

  • Motion #

    That Council award the contract for new fuel tanks at the Kincardine Marina to Claybar Contracting Inc. in the amount of $431,880.24 inclusive of non-recoverable HST;

    AND FURTHER THAT the 2024 Budget be amended to $497,411 to fund the additional project costs of $169,411 from the Lifecycle Reserve Fund, with the amount to be repaid from future Marina profits.

The Facility Accessibility Design Standard (FADs) requires washroom renovations to include a 2500mm barrier free turning radius. The design for the Kincardine Library Washrooms renovation provides a turning radius that meets the Ontario Building Code requirement of 1700mm as it is “technically infeasible” to meet the FADs requirement.

  • Motion #

    That council approves a deviation from the Facility Accessibility Design Standards for the Kincardine Library Washroom Renovation project to exempt the renovations from the 2500mm turning radius requirement to 2000mm.

The 2024 Fleet Capital Budget includes the purchase of two half tonne pickup trucks. A request for bids was conducted through the online Bids and Tenders platform. Staff are recommending the contract be awarded to the low bidder Finch Auto Group.

  • Motion #

    THAT Council award contract OPS RFT 2023-01 to Finch Auto Group for their tendered amount of $110,685.37 (including the HST rebate).

The Infrastructure and Development Operations Department had advertised the following tender for the Supply, Load, Haul & Place Granular ‘A’ Gravel for the 2024 operating season:

OPS RFT 2024-14 Granular ‘A’ Gravel:
Budget Amount: $370,000.00
Tender Amount Including HST Rebate: $368,625.60

  • Motion #

    That Council award the 2024 Granular ‘A’ Gravel Tender OPS RFT 2024-14 to Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd for the tendered amount of $368,625.60 (including non-recoverable HST).

The underground reservoir situated at the Kincardine Water Treatment Plant was identified through capital budget considerations to have the exterior of the reservoir water-proofed and sealed to continue to provide integrity and safety of Kincardine’s drinking water.

  • Motion #

    That Council award the contract for waterproofing the Kincardine Water Treatment Reservoir to DJ Peat Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd. for the bid price of $241,656.00 excluding the municipal share of HST;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approve a budget amendment to increase the cost of this project by $60,000 to $310,000, funded from the Water Reserve Fund 68.

The Community Investment Grant Committee has met to develop recommendations on the allocation of the budgeted funds as per By-law No. 2023-110, Community Investment Grant Policy.
The Committees recommendations are attached.

  • Motion #

    That Council approve the Community Investment Grant allocation as recommended by the Community Investment Grant Committee.

  • Motion #
    Moved by: Beth Blackwell
    Seconded by: Rory Cavanagh

    Whereas rising cost of living and rapid inflation is putting significant financial pressure on individuals and families, especially those living in poverty; and 

    Whereas Ontario Works rates have been frozen since 2018 at $733 per month; and 

    Whereas Ontario Disability Support Program rates were increased by 6.5% in July 2023 to $1308 but remains below the 2018 value of $1376 when adjusted for inflation; and  

    Whereas individuals and families relying on OW and ODSP are legislated into poverty, living 40 to 60 percent under the official poverty line and below the deep poverty line; and 

    Whereas decreasing poverty levels benefits individuals and their communities by reducing reliance on food banks, social services, health care, emergency services and other supports as well as improving quality of life and creating positive local economic impacts; and 

    Whereas in 2021, Statistics Canada reported that 10.7% of residents and 12.4% of children in Bruce County were living in low-income households;  and

    Whereas the County of Bruce, as a designated Service Manager, does not have the resources, capacity, or funding to provide the necessary income, housing, or health-related supports required to lift a growing percentage of resident out of chronic poverty; and

    Whereas leadership and urgent action is needed from the Provincial Government to immediately address the rising levels of poverty in Ontario with a particular focus on those receiving Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Programs; 

    Now Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine calls on the Provincial Government to: 
    a.    Double the Ontario Workers and Ontario Disability Support Program rates;
    b.    Index Ontario Works rates, in addition to the ODSP rates, annually to inflation;  
    c.    Increase the earning exemption for Ontario Works recipients;
    d.    End clawbacks on current federal income supports and any future federal income supports including the announced Canada Disability Benefit; and further

    That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Minister of Children, Community, and Social Services, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, MPP Lisa Thompson, the Grey Bruce Board of Health, the Community Safety and Wellbeing Committee of Bruce & Grey, Bruce County Municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 

  • Motion #
    Moved by: Rory Cavanagh
    Seconded by: Beth Blackwell

    That Council direct Staff to provide a report outlining the Council Composition and Ward Boundary Review process including timelines and an approximate budget.

By-law to amend Schedule G to update the commercial charter rate for the Marina, from $75/foot plus the seasonal rate to $90/foot only; and Schedule H of the 2024 Fees and Charges By-law, to add outdoor pickleball memberships, to play on the tennis courts in the spring and summer.

  • Motion #

    That the “2024 Rates and Fees Amendment (2) By-law" be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 

  • Motion #

    That the “BMTS Legacy Fund Policy By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 

  • Motion #

    That the “Community Safety and Policing (CSP) Agreement (2024) By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 

  • Motion #

    That the following By-laws are hereby read a first, second and third time, and finally passed this 27 day of March, 2024:

    1. Award Davidson Centre Ice Resurfacer Tender By-law 2024 - 

    2. Award Replacement of Kincardine Marina Fuel Dispensing Facilities Tender (#RFT ES 2024- 23247) By-law

    3. Ward the Two Half Tonne Pickup Trucks Tender (OPS RFT 2023-01) By-law 2024 - 

    4. Award 2024 Granular ‘A’ Tender (#OPS RFT 2024-14) By-law 2024 - 

    5. Award Waterproofing the Kincardine Water Treatment Reservoir Tender By-law 2024 - 

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are enacted in one motion as a Matter Arising. The exception to this rule is that a Council member or the Chief Administrative Officer may request one or more items to be removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.

Recommendation: Receive and file statistical reports.

This report is required under Div. C Part 1 Section 1.9 of the Building Code and shall be provided on an annual basis. The report details any direct and indirect costs for delivering services related to the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act. The report further details any established reserve funds relating to the administration and enforcement of the Act.

Recommendation: Receive and file all communications.

  • Motion #

    That Council approve the recommendations contained in the consent agenda dated March 27, 2024 and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.

  • Motion #

    That Council move into closed session pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the purpose of considering:

    1) The Closed Session minutes dated March 13, 2024; 

    2)  A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (Bruce Telecom Update); and

    3) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or Local Board employees,  (Candidates for Accessibility Advisory Committee); and

    Further, that Council return to Regular open meeting upon completion.

  • Motion #

    That the By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine of March 27, 2024 be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 

  • Motion #

    That this Council Meeting adjourn at ______ p.m.

No Item Selected