Council Minutes

Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre
Council Present
  • Mayor Kenneth Craig
  • Deputy Mayor Andrea Clarke
  • Councillor Beth Blackwell
  • Councillor Rory Cavanagh
  • Councillor Mike Hinchberger
  • Councillor Jennifer Prenger
  • Councillor Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
  • Councillor Bill Stewart
  • Councillor Stellina Williams
Staff Present
  • Jillene Bellchamber-Glazier, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jennifer Lawrie, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Roxana Baumann, Director of Corporate Services
  • Lorie Fioze, Manager Strategic Initiatives
  • Dwayne McNab, Manager of Development Services
  • Mark O'Leary, Manager of Environmental Services
  • Adam Weishar, Director of Infrastructure and Development
  • Nicole Bauman, Legislative Services Administrative Assistant

Mayor Craig called to order the Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine at 5:00 p.m. on November 13, 2024 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre.

Councillor Hinchberger opened the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement.

Name: Beth Blackwell
Item of Business: 7.1 a
General Nature of Interest: Husband is employed by Bruce Power, which is the current tenant of the property

Name: Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
Item of Business: 7.1 a
General Nature of Interest: Matter involves employer.

Name: Jennifer Prenger
Item of Business: 7.1 a
General Nature of Interest: Employer has an interest in the lands in question.

Name: Stellina Williams
Item of Business: 7.1 a
General Nature of Interest: Husband is employed by Bruce Power which has an interest in the lands in question as do employer.

Councillor Blackwell, Councillor Steinhoff-Gray, Councillor Prenger and Councillor Willams left the Council table and did not comment on the business item while this matter was considered.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 01
    Moved by:Stellina Williams
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That the minutes of the Council meetings held on October 23, 2024 be adopted as printed.


The Municipality of Kincardine has initiated a comprehensive review of Zoning Bylaw 2003-025 in accordance with section 26(20) of the Planning Act RSO 1990. Such review shall be completed within 3 years of the adoption of an Official Plan which was adopted by the Municipality of Kincardine in 2021. The purpose of the public meeting is for Council to receive comments and feedback from the public, key stakeholders and commenting authorities having jurisdiction on the changes, updates, amendments and considerations presented in the comprehensive review. 

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 02
    Moved by:Beth Blackwell
    Seconded by:Jennifer Prenger

    That the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine hold a Public Meeting in accordance with 34(12)(a)(ii) of the Planning Act RSO 1990 - Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw for the Municipality of Kincardine.


Dwayne McNab, Manager of Development Services, explained the report 

Presentations from the Public

Tessa Gerling - Philosopher's Wool Environmental Preserve (PWEP) - concerns with Inverhuron being designated as a Primary Urban Community. Highlighted the PWEP's Alternative Land Use Proposal with requests for boundary adjustments, change of Settlement category from Secondary to Hamlet and designation of special policy areas to protect areas within the settlement area and along the lakeshore.   

Bill Brown - Suggested a track change copy of the changes to the Zoning By-law be provided.

Andrew Johnstone - Suggested a track change copy of the changes to the Zoning By-law be provided and asked questions regarding the process going forward and the appeal process.

Questions and Clarifications from Council

Council inquired about: the next steps in the process, changes to the status of Inverhuron and the County and Municipal Official Plans, changes regarding sea cans, timelines for conforming to new By-law and legal non-conforming status, requirements for number of off street parking (3.17), addition of tiny homes, height restrictions in core commercial area and short term accommodations.

Council clarified that a track changes version for the general provisions along with a table featuring the changes for each zone is being developed and will be posted on the municipal website.

No decision is rendered at this time. Council will consider the application at a future regular meeting. 

Kelly Linton from Linton Consulting and Andy Golding provided an update on the Strategic Action Plan.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 03
    Moved by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
    Seconded by:Jennifer Prenger

    That Council have a special meeting with Council and appropriate Staff to review the Strategic Plan to look at amendments prior to December 10, 2024.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 04
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Rory Cavanagh

    That Council approve Traffic and Parking Amendment By-law to be in effect April 1st, 2025; and

    That $11,920 be included for consideration in the 2025 budget for the signage, communications and legal fees for the implementation of a 3-hour parking limit on Queen Street in Kincardine every day between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Durham Market Square South to Durham Street.

Councillor Blackwell, Councillor Prenger, Councillor Steinhoff-Gray, and Councillor Williams left the Council Chambers.
  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 05
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Andrea Clarke

    Whereas municipalities can play a role in supporting sustainable community development, including addressing housing affordability and availability challenges; and

    Whereas the housing crisis locally, regionally, provincially, and nationally, has impacted our community, increasing demand for affordable, workforce, and social housing options, particularly for low- and moderate-income families; and

    Whereas the Municipality of Kincardine has been reviewing several municipally owned land parcels that may be surplus to the municipality’s needs and could be leveraged to support housing solutions, thereby addressing one of the pressing needs of our residents; and

    Whereas partnering with housing organizations, senior governments and other agencies can amplify the impact of municipal resources in alleviating housing shortages; and

    Whereas the Municipality of Kincardine has an identified need for increased affordable and supportive housing options in the community, which is supported through the adopted Housing Action Plan and the Municipality of Kincardine Official Plan; and

    Whereas the Municipality of Kincardine is working with the County of Bruce whose role is to serve as the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager with a mandate to support social services, including employment and income supports, housing services, homelessness services and prevention, and child care, children’s and early years services; and

    Whereas community partners have worked with the Municipality of Kincardine to help inform a study which considers the use of municipal lands that could be considered surplus to municipal needs and supportive of affordable housing opportunities; and

    Whereas the said study includes 705 Princes Street, Kincardine ON, as a potential site to create new affordable and supportive housing spaces by working collaboratively with community housing providers, various levels of governments, and non profits; and

    Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001 permits municipalities to provide grants, subject to restrictions in section 106, on such terms as to security and otherwise as the council considers appropriate to any person, group or body; and

    Whereas the Municipality of Kincardine’s Community Improvement Plan includes the surplus land program which identifies that lands can be awarded at a reduced cost or possibly no cost for affordable housing.

    Now therefore be it resolved that staff be directed to order a Reference Plan to delineate that portion of 705 Princes Street, Kincardine that will become the severed parcel having an area of approximately 0.28 hectares (0.69 acres) (the “Severed Parcel”); and

    That staff be directed to rezone the Severed Parcel from the Institutional (I) zone to the Residential Four (R4) zone to permit residential apartments as permitted under the R4 zone; and

    That staff notify the current tenant of 705 Princes Street, Kincardine of potential changes to the property and advise them that any future lease negotiations with the current tenant shall consider the contemplated changes to the property and the possible future sale of the Severed Parcel for development of affordable housing; and

    That, once the Reference Plan delineating the dimensions of the Severed Parcel has been deposited in the Registry Office, staff is hereby directed to issue an Expression Of Interest for an affordable housing development on the Severed Parcel seeking submissions that align with the Municipality’s vision and the concept plan included in the Flourish report dated September 16, 2024.   

    Yes (4)Andrea Clarke, Kenneth Craig, Mike Hinchberger, and Rory Cavanagh
    No (1)Bill Stewart
    Conflict (4)Stellina Williams, Beth Blackwell, Jennifer Prenger, and Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
Councillor Blackwell, Councillor Prenger, Councillor Steinhoff-Gray, and Councillor Williams returned to the Council Chambers.


  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 06
    Moved by:Beth Blackwell
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That the “Debenture By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 145.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 07
    Moved by:Jennifer Prenger
    Seconded by:Rory Cavanagh

    That the “2024 Budget Amendment (2) By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 146.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 08
    Moved by:Beth Blackwell
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That the following By-laws are hereby read a first, second and third time, and finally passed this 13th day of November, 2024:

    1. Traffic and Parking Amendment (10) By-law 2024 - 147


Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are enacted in one motion as a Matter Arising. The exception to this rule is that a Council member or the Chief Administrative Officer may request one or more items to be removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 09
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Rory Cavanagh

    That the hour of automatic adjournment be extended to the end of business.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 10
    Moved by:Andrea Clarke
    Seconded by:Stellina Williams

    That Council approve the recommendations contained in the consent agenda dated November 13, 2024 and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions except Environmental Services Compliance Report October 2024, Environmental Services-2024-29.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 11
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Rory Cavanagh

    That Council move into closed session pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the purpose of considering:

    1) The Closed Session minutes dated October 23, 2024; 

    2) A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Municipality or Local Board (Municipal Capacity Funding - Bruce Power); and

    Further, that Council return to Regular open meeting upon completion.


Councillor Blackwell, Councillor Prenger, Councillor Steinhoff-Gray and Councillor Williams declared a Pecuniary Interest in closed and left the meeting.

Mayor Craig reported that pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, Council discussed the following items in Closed Session:
1)    The Closed Session minutes dated October 23, 2024 were approved; 
2)    Council received for information only an update on the Municipal Capacity Funding – Bruce Power.

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 12
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Rory Cavanagh

    That the By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine of November 13, 2024 be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 148

  • Resolution #11/13/24 - 13
    Moved by:Rory Cavanagh
    Seconded by:Bill Stewart

    That this Council Meeting adjourn at 8:18 p.m.

No Item Selected