Council Minutes

Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre
Council Present
  • Mayor Kenneth Craig
  • Deputy Mayor Andrea Clarke
  • Councillor Beth Blackwell
  • Councillor Rory Cavanagh
  • Councillor Mike Hinchberger
  • Councillor Doug Kennedy
  • Councillor Jennifer Prenger
  • Councillor Bill Stewart
Council Absent
  • Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
Staff Present
  • Jillene Bellchamber-Glazier, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jennifer Lawrie, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Roxana Baumann, Director of Corporate Services
  • Lorie Fioze, Manager Strategic Initiatives
  • Jayne Jagelewski, Director of Community Services
  • Nicole Bauman, Legislative Services Administrative Assistant

Mayor Craig called to order the Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine at 5:00 p.m. on March 6, 2024 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre.

Councillor Cavanagh opened the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 01
    Moved by:Rory Cavanagh
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That Council approve the following deletion from the agenda:

    Item 5.1.c. - Station Beach Boardwalk Design, Parks Facilities-2024-03

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 02
    Moved by:Bill Stewart
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That the minutes of the Council meetings held on February 12, 2024 and February 14, 2024 be adopted as printed.


Jason Hagan and Keith Taylor, from One Investment provided a presentation on municipal investing under the Municipal Act, background on ONE Investment, and Legacy Funds in general.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 03
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Beth Blackwell

    That Council consider the following recommendations at the March 27, 2024 meeting:

    • That Council approves the attached Bruce Telecom Legacy Fund Policy; and
    • That ONE Investment staff will be leveraged for the optimal delivery and management of the Bruce Telecom Legacy Fund; and further
    • That Council form a Legacy Fund Advisory Committee consisting of the Mayor, Treasurer, and CAO.

Councillor Cavanagh presented the Pier Ad Hoc Safety Committee presentation.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 04
    Moved by:Bill Stewart
    Seconded by:Beth Blackwell

    That Council approve the recommendations presented in the Pier Safety Ad-hoc Committee report; and

    That Council approve a 2024 budget amendment of up to a maximum of $92,000 to commence the recommendations identified in the report for 2024; and

    Further that these recommendations be funded through the Lifecycle Reserve Fund.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 05
    Moved by:Bill Stewart
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That Council adopt the compliance report for expenses excluded from the 2024 budget outlined in report Financial Services-2024-06 as a requirement of Ontario Regulation 284/09 passed under the Municipal Act, 2001.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 06
    Moved by:Beth Blackwell
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That Council approve the updated Electronic Signatures Policy and repeal Policy GG.3.17 Electronic Signatures.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 07
    Moved by:Jennifer Prenger
    Seconded by:Andrea Clarke

    That By-law No. 2020-040, being a by-law to establish notice provisions for the Municipality of Kincardine, be repealed, and further

    That Council approve and adopt by by-law the draft Public Notice Policy, as presented.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 08
    Moved by:Bill Stewart
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That the Terms of Reference for the Property Standards Committee be approved as presented and that Councillor Stewart, Councillor Hinchberger, and Mayor Craig be appointed to the Property Standards Committee.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 09
    Moved by:Beth Blackwell
    Seconded by:Andrea Clarke

    That the “2024 Budget By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 030.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 10
    Moved by:Rory Cavanagh
    Seconded by:Bill Stewart

    That the “Cheesy Monkii Agreement (2024) By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 031.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 11
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Rory Cavanagh

    That the following By-laws are hereby read a first, second and third time, and finally passed this 6th day of March, 2024:

    1. Electronic Signatures Policy By-law 2024 - 032.

    2. Public Notice Policy By-law 2024 - 033.

    3. Property Standards Terms of Reference By-law 2024 - 034.

    4. Council Committee Appointment (2023) Amendment (4) By-law 2024 - 035.


Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are enacted in one motion as a Matter Arising. The exception to this rule is that a Council member or the Chief Administrative Officer may request one or more items to be removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 12
    Moved by:Rory Cavanagh
    Seconded by:Bill Stewart

    That Council approve the recommendations contained in the consent agenda dated March 6, 2024 and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 13
    Moved by:Rory Cavanagh
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That the By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine of March 6, 2024 be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 036.

  • Resolution #03/06/24 - 14
    Moved by:Bill Stewart
    Seconded by:Beth Blackwell

    That this Council Meeting adjourn at 6:13 p.m.

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