THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINEAccessibility Advisory CommitteeAgendaThursday, November 23, 2023 4:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre1.Call to Order The Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine will be called to Order at 4:00 p.m. on November 23, 2023 at the Municipal Administration Office.1.1Land Acknowledgment Statement The Chair opened the meeting with the Land Acknowledgement Statement.2.Additions/Deletions/Amendments to the Agenda 3.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Link to Pecuniary Interest Form4.Delegation 4.1Parks and Recreation Master Plan 1.Parks and Recreation Survey Poster.pdf2.Kincardine Community Engagement Comments.pdfTracey McQueen will be providing an update on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan5.Adoption of Minutes 1.Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes_Sep21_2023.pdf2.Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes_Oct19_2023 .pdf3.Accessibility Advisory Committee_Nov09_2023.pdfRecommendationThat the Accessibility Advisory Committee adopt the minutes of the meetings held September 21, October 19, and November 9, 2023 as presented.6.Outstanding Business 6.1Accessible Parking Spaces 1.Accessible Parking Photos and Comments.pdf6.2Crosswalks in Kincardine 1.Crosswalks in Kincardine - October 2023.pdf6.3Multi Year Accessibility Plan - Catalogue of Issues 6.4BIA Meeting - December 19th at 9am The AAC is invited to attend the BIA meeting, to hear a presentation by the Landscape Architect Sean Kelly, regarding the downtown streetscape design. The Meeting will be held at The Kincardine Centre for the Arts - Welcome Centre at 707 Queen Street, Kincardine.6.5SMART Proposal for Enhanced Services 1.Kincardine SMART Letter-Signed.pdfAs per the Committee's request, the SMART Board has submitted a proposal to upgrade the current accessible transportation services in the Municipality of Kincardine.7.New Business 7.1Waterfront Design Public Engagement Update 8.Correspondence 9.Schedule of Meetings 9.1December 14, 2023 9.22024 Draft Schedule 1.2024 AAC Meeting Calendar - DRAFT.pdfRecommendationThat the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the 2024 Schedule of Meetings.10.Adjournment RecommendationThat the Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourn at _______ p.m. No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024 AAC Meeting Calendar - DRAFT.pdf1.Crosswalks in Kincardine - October 2023.pdf1.Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes_Sep21_2023.pdf2.Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes_Oct19_2023 .pdf3.Accessibility Advisory Committee_Nov09_2023.pdf1.Kincardine SMART Letter-Signed.pdf1.Accessible Parking Photos and Comments.pdf1.Parks and Recreation Survey Poster.pdf2.Kincardine Community Engagement Comments.pdf