THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINECommittee of the Whole AgendaMonday, March 08, 2021 5:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Electronic Meeting1.Call to Order The Committee of the Whole (C O W) meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine will be called to Order at ____ p.m. on March 8, 2021 electronically.2.Amendments, Additions or Deletions To/From the Agenda 3.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4.Adoption of Minutes of C O W Meetings 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CoW_Mar01_2021 - English.pdfMotion #THAT the minutes of the C O W meeting held on March 1, 2021 be adopted as printed.5.Items for Discussion from Council Meeting 6.Delegations 6.1Tree Protection By-law - Doug McCallum & Mary Beth Dennis 1.Trees Doug McCallum and Mary Beth Dennis.pdf2.Letter to Council.pdf3.Links for other by-laws and articles- tree by-law delegation .pdf4.Updated Resources for Tree and Woodland By-laws.pdf5.tree bylaws Doug McCallum additional info.pdf6.Points from Oakville bylaws.pdf7.Reports 7.1Corporate Services a.Legal Rules Regarding Council Vacancies, Clerk-2021-05 1.Legal Rules Regarding Council Vacancies - Clerk-2021-05.pdf2.Legal Rules Regarding Council Vacancies.pdfThis report is to explain the legal rules regarding Council vacancies in general and Councillor Haight’s absence specifically.b.COVID-19/Declared Emergency Chief Administrative Officer will provide a verbal report on the COVID-19/Declared Emergency.c.Organizational Review 1.Organizational Review 2021 - Council presentation - March 8 2021.pdfChief Administrative Officer, Sharon Chambers, will provide details on the Organizational Review Undertaken by the Municipality of Kincardine.d.Physician Recruitment Program Review Update, CAO's-2021-09 1.Physician Recruitment Program Review Update - CAO's-2021-09.pdf2.By-Law 2015-062.pdf3.10-14-2021 Bruce Power- Proposed Physician Recruitment Agreement.pdfAdded to the Agenda after Public Notice Provided The Physician Recruitment Ad-hoc Committee has had discussions with the Kincardine Physician’s Group and Bruce Power regarding physician recruitment. The Physician’s Group put forth a proposal to the Committee to combine the Clinic Manager and Physician Recruiter portfolios for a one-year period. The Town of Saugeen Shores was subsequently brought into discussions by the CAO to come to a mutually agreed upon arrangement. Following these discussions, it is recommended that the Physician Recruitment Agreement with Bruce Power and the Town of Saugeen Shores be approved by Council and that the Ad-hoc Committee be granted the authority to work out details of the one-year pilot program.8.Adjournment Motion #THAT this COW adjourn atNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CoW_Mar01_2021 - English.pdf1.Trees Doug McCallum and Mary Beth Dennis.pdf2.Letter to Council.pdf3.Links for other by-laws and articles- tree by-law delegation .pdf4.Updated Resources for Tree and Woodland By-laws.pdf5.tree bylaws Doug McCallum additional info.pdf6.Points from Oakville bylaws.pdf1.Legal Rules Regarding Council Vacancies - Clerk-2021-05.pdf2.Legal Rules Regarding Council Vacancies.pdf1.Organizational Review 2021 - Council presentation - March 8 2021.pdf1.Physician Recruitment Program Review Update - CAO's-2021-09.pdf2.By-Law 2015-062.pdf3.10-14-2021 Bruce Power- Proposed Physician Recruitment Agreement.pdf