Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes

Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre
Members Present
  • Sharon Woods
  • Scott McPherson
  • Deputy Mayor Andrea Clarke
  • Josh Easton
  • Bruce Edwards
  • Craig Roumey
Members Absent
  • Miranda Graham
Staff Present
  • Tracey Guy, Staff Resource

The Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine was called to Order at 4:02 p.m. on November 23, 2023.

The Chair opened the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement.

Tracey McQueen, Consultant for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, provided an update to the Committee.  She advised that the online survey is available for 3 more weeks, and encouraged everyone and their friends and family to complete.  She thanked the Committee for their input early in the process. 

The Committee indicated that the survey was excellent, and thanked Ms. McQueen for the update.  The Committee further advised that if there are any other avenues for involvement in the process, the Committee would like to participate.

  • Resolution #11/23/23 AAC - 01
    Moved by:Andrea Clarke
    Seconded by:Bruce Edwards

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee adopt the minutes of the meetings held September 21, October 19, and November 9, 2023 as presented.


Tracey will prepare a facility tour schedule for 2024, outlining dates for facility tours.  Updating the Catalogue of Issues is a Committee priority for 2024.  

The AAC is invited to attend the BIA meeting, to hear a presentation by the Landscape Architect, regarding the downtown streetscape design.   The Meeting will be held at The Kincardine Centre for the Arts - Welcome Centre at 707 Queen Street, Kincardine.

Scott and Bruce advised that they would attend on behalf of the Committee.

The Committee reviewed the proposal for enhanced services for the Municipality of Kincardine.  Scott noted that if the enhanced proposal is approved in the 2024 budget, further details for the on-demand service and after hour calls will need to be clarified.  

  • Resolution #11/23/23 AAC - 02
    Moved by:Scott McPherson
    Seconded by:Josh Easton

    That the SMART Proposal for Enhanced Accessible Transportation Services in Kincardine be forward to Council for consideration in the 2024 Municipal Budget.


The Committee discussed the topics from the Public Engagement session, and offered follow-up comments to be provided to the Consultant: 

  • Accessible access to the beach and water;
  • Accessible parking in the vicinity of the accessible beach access;
  • Accessible parking near accessible the washroom;
  • Improvements needed to accessible washroom for accessibility;
  • Drainage in front of the accessible washroom be addressed;
  • Raised gardens in the vicinity of the accessible access and parking;
  • Mobility device charging station;
  • Accessible signage; and
  • Create an environment enabling participation by all.

The committee approved the proposed meeting schedule for 2024.  

  • Resolution #11/23/23 AAC - 03
    Moved by:Scott McPherson
    Seconded by:Andrea Clarke

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourn at 5:30 p.m. 
