Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre
Council Present
  • Mayor Kenneth Craig
  • Deputy Mayor Andrea Clarke
  • Councillor Beth Blackwell
  • Councillor Rory Cavanagh
  • Councillor Mike Hinchberger
  • Councillor Jennifer Prenger
  • Councillor Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
  • Councillor Bill Stewart
Council Absent
  • Councillor Doug Kennedy
Staff Present
  • Jillene Bellchamber-Glazier, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jennifer Lawrie, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Lorie Fioze, Manager Strategic Initiatives
  • Leanne Gowing, Manager of Human Resources
  • Jayne Jagelewski, Director of Community Services
  • Dwayne McNab, Manager of Development Services
  • Corey Voisin, Manager of Operations
  • Adam Weishar, Director of Infrastructure and Development
  • Nicole Bauman, Legislative Services Administrative Assistant

Mayor Kenneth Craig called to order the Public Meeting (PM) of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine at 5:02 p.m. on August 14, 2023 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre.

Bruce County Planner Coreena Smith, explained the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Presentations from the Applicant: Dan Hunter & Erin Walter were present.

Presentations from the Public: None.

Questions and Clarifications from Council: None.

Bruce County Planner Coreena Smith, explained the report and recommendation. Any comments received from Agencies and the Public received by the time of writing the report are in the written report.

Presentations from the Applicant: Kevin Smith was present

Presentations from the Public: None.

Questions and Clarifications from Council: None.

  • Resolution #08/14/23 PM - 01
    Moved by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
    Seconded by:Beth Blackwell

    That this Public Planning Meeting adjourn at 5:09 p.m.
