That Staff be directed to bring a report back on the following properties regarding their potential land development uses:
- Armow Women's Institute - 806 Concession 7, legally known as Con 7 Pt. Lot 16 RP 3R7579; Part 1 Roll No. 410821000223500
- Brucedale Community Centre - 1046 Concession 12, legally known as CON 13 PT LOT 11, Roll No. 410826000318100
- Elgin Market Park & Former Landfill - LOT 34 TO 38 PRINCES W/S PT LOT 36 TO PT LOT 40 QUEEN E, Roll No. 410822000113901
- Tiverton Cemetery Expansion - King Street Tiverton legally known as Plan 210 Pt Lot 59 RP 3R8687; Parts 1 and 2 Roll No. 410826000604610