Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes

Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre
Members Present
  • Sharon Woods, Chair
  • Deputy Mayor Andrea Clarke
  • Josh Easton
  • Bruce Edwards
  • Miranda Graham
  • Lillian Watterworth
  • Randy Norris
Staff Present
  • Tracey Guy, Staff Resource
  • Jayne Jagelewski, Director of Community Services

The Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine was called to Order at 4:10 p.m. on October 24, 2024.

The Chair welcomed the new member Randy Norris to the Committee.

The Chair opened the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement.

Jayne Jagelewski presented a preliminary sketch of the proposed universal washroom at the Tiverton Sports Centre.  The new universal washroom will be located between the existing washroom and the canteen.  The proposed plan will reduce the size of the canteen, and therefore be able to meet the requirements in the FADS for a universal washroom.  The plan will accommodate space for an adult change table, to be installed at a future date.

The Committee reviewed the sketch, and offered the following comments/suggestions:

  • It was suggested that while the work is being completed, that the canteen counter be lowered to an accessible height, which has been identified as a deficiency in the Catalogue of Issues;
  • This site would be a good location for an adult changing table, and the possibility of using some of the $100,000 Accessibility Budget to install at the time of construction;
  • Confirmed the doors will have a powered locked system, with a light that shows it is occupied; and
  • Confirmed baby change tables are located in both the Men's and Women's washroom, and the adult change table in the universal washroom could be used for both adults and children.  
  • Resolution #10/17/24 AAC - 01
    Moved by:Lillian Watterworth
    Seconded by:Josh Easton

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee recommend that part of the Accessibility Funds in the 2024 Budget be allocated to install an adult change table in the universal washroom at the Tiverton Sports Centre at the time of construction.

  • Resolution #10/17/24 AAC - 02
    Moved by:Bruce Edwards
    Seconded by:Randy Norris

    That the minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting held on September 26, 2024 be adopted as circulated.


Andrea advised that a new hybrid plan for Victoria Park was presented to Council.  The hybrid plan accommodated comments received from the initial 3 proposals that were presented in the public consultation process.  Council received the design, but would like further consultation on the hybrid plan, before final approval is received.  Plans for the redevelopment of the park are proposed to be included in the 2026 budget.  

The Committee requested to be involved, in the future consultation process.  

Lillian provided an update of the checklist, which was provided by Julie Sawchuk.  An audit was completed by herself and Staff, without the assistance of Julie Sawchuk, on the Dunsmoor Park Universal Washroom.  The checklist enabled the inspection to be very efficient, and was a useful tool.  It noted each item to be measured, and what the requirement is to be according to the FADS, therefore eliminating the onsite guesswork.  Future inspections will be set up when able.

Andrea advised that Council will be heading into 2025 budget talks in December, and noted that if the Committee would like additional funds to be included, that they be earmarked for a specific purpose.  

Tracey advised that we have proposed an increase in our Committee budget, to assist with the Catalogue of Issues, audits, training, etc.  

The Committee noted that once the current $100,000 Accessibility Budget is allocated to accessibility projects, they will look for future budget considerations.  Some future suggestions for funding could be:

  • continuation of Kipp Trail into new subdivisions and downtown;
  • trail work at the end of Park Street;
  • a Signage Strategy for all Municipal facilities; and
  • additional $100,000 for Catalogue of Issues upgrades.

SMART Board Minutes were provided for information. The Chair requested a member of the Board attend a future meeting, to discuss the level of service in Kincardine.  

  • Resolution #10/17/24 AAC - 03
    Moved by:Randy Norris
    Seconded by:Miranda Graham

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting adjourns at 5:22 p.m. 
