Council Minutes

Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre
Council Present
  • Mayor Kenneth Craig
  • Deputy Mayor Andrea Clarke
  • Councillor Rory Cavanagh
  • Councillor Mike Hinchberger
  • Councillor Jennifer Prenger
  • Councillor Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
  • Councillor Bill Stewart
Council Absent
  • Councillor Beth Blackwell
Staff Present
  • Jillene Bellchamber-Glazier, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jennifer Lawrie, Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Lorie Fioze, Manager Strategic Initiatives
  • Nicole Griffin, Communications Coordinator
  • Tracey Guy, Deputy Clerk
  • Jayne Jagelewski, Director of Community Services
  • Nicole Bauman, Legislative Services Administrative Assistant
  • Emily Lutz, Records Management Clerk

Mayor Kenneth Craig called to order the Special Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine at 5:00 p.m. on November 6, 2024 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre.

The Special Meeting was called to appoint an eligible elector to fill a vacancy on Council (Ward 1 Councillor).

Mayor Craig opened the meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement.

Name: Andrea Clarke
Item of Business: 3.0 (3.1-3.6) Business for Which the Special Meeting is Called
General Nature of Interest: Has a business and professional relationship with at least one of the candidates 

Deputy Mayor Clark left the Council Chambers and did not comment on the business item while this matter was considered.

Deputy Mayor Clarke left the Council Chambers
  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 01
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray

    That following individuals constitute the official Slate of Candidates eligible for nomination for the vacant office of Councillor Ward 1 for the Municipality of Kincardine.

    Bandomir, Christina        
    Bianco, Christopher        
    Fournier, Kevin        
    McPherson, Melville Scott        
    Munro, Jason        
    Robertson, Carole        
    Tripathi, Chandrashekhar        
    Williams, Stellina        
    Wilson, Scott D.


Each of the candidates was afforded the opportunity to address Council for a period of not more than ten (10) minutes. The order of speaking was determined by lot. The order of speaking was:

  1. Bandomir, Christina
  2. McPherson, Melville Scott - was not in attendance and did not provide a presentation
  3. Williams, Stellina
  4. Wilson, Scott D.
  5. Bianco, Christopher
  6. Fournier, Kevin
  7. Robertson, Carole
  8. Munro, Jason
  9. Tripathi, Chandrashekhar

A 10 minute break was taken after Christopher Bianco's presentation

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 02
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Rory Cavanagh

    That Stellina Williams be added to the Slate of Nominees for the Office of Councillor Ward 1.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 03
    Moved by:Bill Stewart
    Seconded by:Jennifer Prenger

    That Chandrashekhar Tripathi be added to the Slate of Nominees for the Office of Councillor Ward 1.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 04
    Moved by:Rory Cavanagh
    Seconded by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray

    That Kevin Fournier be added to the Slate of Nominees for the Office of Councillor Ward 1.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 05
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Jennifer Prenger

    That Chris Bianco be added to the Slate of Nominees for the Office of Councillor Ward 1.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 07
    Moved by:Jennifer Prenger
    Seconded by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray

    That Scott D. Wilson be added to the Slate of Nominees for the Office of Councillor Ward 1.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 08
    Moved by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray
    Seconded by:Kenneth Craig

    That Jason Munro be added to the Slate of Nominees for the Office of Councillor Ward 1.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 09
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Bill Stewart

    That the nominations for Ward 1 Councillor for the Municipality of Kincardine are now closed.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 10
    Moved by:Mike Hinchberger
    Seconded by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray

    That the following individuals constitute the official Slate of Nominees for the vacant office of Councillor Ward 1 for the Municipality of Kincardine:

    Bianco, Christopher

    Tripathi, Chandrashekhar

    Williams, Stellina


The voting procedures Council used to determine the Candidate to be appointed were outlined in the "Appoint an Eligible Elector to Fill a Vacancy Procedure" adopted by Council on September 11, 2024. All voting was completed in open session. In accordance with Section 244 of the Municipal Act, no vote was be taken by ballot or by any other method of secret voting.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 11
    Moved by:Jennifer Prenger
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That the “Appoint Stellina Williams to Fill the Vacancy in the Office of Councillor Ward 1 By-law” be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 143.


Stellina Williams read and signed the Declaration of Office for Ward 1 Councillor.

Deputy Mayor Clarke returned to the Council Chambers

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 12
    Moved by:Andrea Clarke
    Seconded by:Amanda Steinhoff-Gray

    That the By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine of November 6, 2024 be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2024 - 144.

  • Resolution #11/06/24 - 13
    Moved by:Jennifer Prenger
    Seconded by:Mike Hinchberger

    That this Special Council Meeting adjourns at 7:43 p.m.
