Heritage Kincardine Minutes

Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre
Members Present
  • Sylvia Leigh, Chair
  • Cathy Ellis
  • Jaris Edwards
  • Mary Lehman
Members Absent
  • Councillor Mike Hinchberger
Staff Present
  • Tracey Guy, Deputy Clerk
  • Jayne Jagelewski, Director of Community Services

    Kim Bisson

    Bill Brown

    Corrine Brown

    Doran Fitzsimmons


The Heritage Kincardine Committee meeting of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine was called to Order at 5:00 p.m. on September 17, 2024.

The Chair opened the Meeting with the Land Acknowledgment Statement. 

Jayne Jagelewski provided a hybrid concept drawing for Victoria Park, that was developed from the comments from the public open houses and user group meetings.  The hybrid plan has created spaces for everyone to enjoy, improving accessibility, while honouring heritage, and maintaining as many healthy trees as possible.  The heritage cannons and fountain will remain in the park.  The fountain is currently with a company being repaired.  Heritage banners on light posts and heritage interpretive plaques/signs in the park would be welcome in the future.  The work in the park is proposed to be completed in 2026.

A discussion ensued about the concept drawing and the Heritage Designation of the park.  Concerns were expressed with the open lawn on the north side of the park and suggested another path through the middle of the park.  Sail shades were suggested to provide shade over the concrete performance plaza area.  Also, concerns were noted that the on-grade performance stage may not be visible to those watching the events in the on-grade performance plaza area.

  • Resolution #10/15/24 HK - 01
    Moved by:Cathy Ellis
    Seconded by:Mary Lehman

    Heritage Kincardine reviewed the plan and recommended the following:

    • the property is a Designated Heritage Site under the Ontario Heritage Act, and the features noted in the Designation By-law be retained;
    • request the heritage fountain be located in close proximity of the original fountain location; and
    • new buildings or structures proposed for the park be constructed to match the heritage esthetics of the area.
  • Resolution #09/17/24 HK - 02
    Moved by:Jaris Edwards
    Seconded by:Mary Lehman

    That the minutes of the Heritage Kincardine Committee held on July 16, 2024 be adopted as printed.


Tracey indicated insurance providers are still providing insurance to heritage designated homes, however the number of companies appear to be decreasing each year.  She will continue to research and monitor the matter.  Further advocacy with other levels of government may be required.  

Jayne Jagelewski gave a brief history on the lighthouses in Kincardine, which are all owned by the Municipality.  Work was completed approximately 5 years ago on the Harbour Street lighthouse, and appears to be failing in some areas.  She is looking into having it repaired, but lighthouse restoration contractors are difficult to secure.  She is in contact with a company, who will look at the scope of the project, and determine what is required.  She will advise Heritage Kincardine if further work is to be commissioned.  

It was noted that the windows in the lighthouse are not part of the Heritage Designation, as they were not the original windows when the Designating By-law was passed.

Goal setting for 2025 has been deferred to the next meeting. 

Jaris indicated that Council approved the Bluewater Trailer Park Lease for the final 3 years.  He advised that the original Deed specified the donated land be used for a public park, garden or walk for the residents of the Town.  He added that it is preserving heritage to follow the original Deeds, and he would like to see the park protected for the future. 

Jayne Jagelewski advised that no future plans for the property have been approved by Council.  She added that the pavilion in Dunsmoor park is in need of repair, and improvements in Tiny Tots park is also anticipated.    

It was confirmed that the property is not a Designated Heritage Site under the Ontario Heritage Act.

  • Resolution #09/17/24 HK - 03
    Moved by:Mary Lehman
    Seconded by:Jaris Edwards

    That the Heritage Kincardine Committee adjourn at 6:22 p.m.
