Council Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Municipal Administration Centre

A Special Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine will be called to Order at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday June 26, 2019, in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administration Centre.

The special meeting was called to discuss the Municipal Asset Management Plan and discussion with the Bruce Telecom Board of Directors.

  • Motion #

    THAT Council move into Committee of the Whole and upon completion return to Council.

  • Motion #

    THAT Council move into closed meeting for the purpose of considering a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization (Bruce Telecom), pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council return to regular open meeting upon completion.

  • Motion #

    THAT the By-law to Confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine of Wednesday, June 26, 2019 be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered as By-law No. 2019 - 

  • Motion #

    THAT this Council adjourn at

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